Celebrating Your Birthday
On this day I planned to do
Something very special for you
First I decided
To take you to a movie
For if I were you
I thought it’s the best one can do me
So I made a call to the nearest movie theatre
But then I thought why to waste money
Something else can be better
Next I decided
To take you to a hotel
Place menu before you and say, “My friend, now you tell
What you want to eat, just call the waiter.”
But then I thought why to waste money
Something else can be better
Then I decided
To take you clothes’ shop
To buy you a jeans with a Adidas top
To cover the accessories with a turtleneck sweater
But then I thought why to waste money
Something else can be better
Finally I reached
To this conclusion
That all these formalities are just illusion
Celebration of a birthday is just a part
What matters is a wish from the bottom of heart
So to wish you I started to write you a letter
But then I thought why to waste money
Staying quiet would be better