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My Love

Down to this earth

There is a mystic element

Called love

That lives in the heart

Of everyone down to earth

Yet rises above


It carries away the person

Like the storm in ocean

Carries away the boat

The element is

More majestic and warm

Then just its thought


It contains the sentiments

Of the person for

The beloved one

And they keep on sharing

This eternal feeling

Until their life is done


The same feeling I developed

In my heart

For you

Though I know it is

Just a dream

That can never come true


I wish God might save

This relationship

From the haunts of the world

And to love each other

We would be free

Like sky birds


Wherever in this world

I could find

Your soothing touch

I would stay there for lifetime

And hold you in my arms

As such



I wouldn’t then let this world

Snatch you away

From me

How deep is my love

When the time is ripe

The whole world shall see

I won’t let anyone

Come in the way

That I have chosen

For my love is blind

And to show it the way

Only you are the one

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